Edward Christopher Sheeran is an English musician ,song writer and composer. Ed sheeran also acted in a daily soap opera called Shortland Street. With his debut album '+' he gained international fame. Being a music graduate Ed Sheeran is one of the most influential young music star of this era. This is a collection of 25 Ed Sheeran quotes on life, music and appreciation of music.

The worst things in life come free to us. - Ed Sheeran
It's alright to die cause death is the only thing you haven't tried. - Ed Sheeran
If someone tells you to change yourself, tell them to go fuck themselves. - Ed Sheeran
Paint stuff and make jam. You`re good at doing that. - Ed Sheeran

Be nice to everyone, always smile, and appreciate things because it could all be gone tomorrow. - Ed Sheeran
What didn't kill me, it didn't make me stronger at all. - Ed Sheeran
Success is the best revenge for anything. - Ed Sheeran
Pain is only relevant if it still hurts. - Ed Sheeran

Be a true Heart, not a follower. - Ed Sheeran
It's ok to be not ok. - Ed Sheeran
Don’t hold me down. - Ed Sheeran
If love what you can't have, then you have to love what you've got. - Ed Sheeran

Country music is some of the best-written music in the world, so yeah, one day, I would keep my mind open to doing a country record. - Ed Sheeran
You are the earth that I will stand upon. - Ed Sheeran
It's too cold outside for angels to fly. - Ed Sheeran
It was my love for the guitar that first got me into music and singing. - Ed Sheeran
Be original; don't be scared of being bold! - Ed Sheeran
The more you write tunes, the better they will become. The more you do gigs, the better you will become. - Ed Sheeran
I think I've been around for a while. But I still have to pay my dues. - Ed Sheeran
Some of my tattoos are a bit silly, but I know where and what time I got them. - Ed Sheeran
The public has heard the stereotypical love songs a million times, and they've heard the stereotypical life-or-death songs millions of times. It's good to mix it up a little bit. - Ed Sheeran
I don't know if my songs fit in films. - Ed Sheeran
I think my braces are breaking, and it’s more than I can take. - Ed Sheeran
You are the words that I will sing. - Ed Sheeran
Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. - Ed Sheeran
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