Sin is an immoral act considered to be a transgression against divine law. We all commit sins in our lives. This is a collection of 69 quotes and sayings on Sin.

Sin is whatever obscures the soul. - Andre Gide
Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to cast a stone. - Jesus Christ
Some rise by sin, and some by virtue fall. - William Shakespeare
Sacrifice, discipline and prayer are essential. We gain strength through God's word. We receive grace from the sacrament. And when we fumble due to sin - and it's gonna happen - confession puts us back on the field. - Lou Holtz

Sin is a gravitation. - Victor Hugo
There is no sin except stupidity. - Oscar Wilde
The first and greatest punishment of the sinner is the conscience of sin. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Ignorance is not innocence but sin. - Robert Browning

Sin carries in it its own misery. - John Piper
Neutrality is at times a graver sin than belligerence. - Louis D. Brandeis
All human sin seems so much worse in its consequences than in its intentions. - Reinhold Niebuhr
The wages of sin are death, but by the time taxes are taken out, it's just sort of a tired feeling. - Paula Poundstone
The most unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought. - Emma Goldman
Remorse is the pain of sin. - Theodore Parker
There is no original sin. You don't have to pay repentance to anything or anybody. - Desmond Harrington
Everything that used to be a sin is now a disease. - Bill Maher
Sin is too stupid to see beyond itself. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Competition is a sin. - John D. Rockefeller
Sin is geographical. - Bertrand Russell
Not failure, but low aim is sin. - Benjamin E. Mays
Change is the only constant. Hanging on is the only sin. - Denise McCluggage
The only sin is mediocrity. - Martha Graham
Anyone who attempts to generate random numbers by deterministic means is, of course, living in a state of sin. - John von Neumann
Great eagerness in the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, or honor, cannot exist without sin. - Desiderius Erasmus
Convent - a place of retirement for women who wish for leisure to meditate upon the sin of idleness. - Ambrose Bierce
There is no sin but ignorance. - Christopher Marlowe
Really to sin you have to be serious about it. - Henrik Ibsen
A 'sin' is something which is not necessary. - George Gurdjieff
Pride is the master sin of the devil, and the devil is the father of lies. - Edwin Hubbel Chapin
It's no sin to admit that you feel vulnerable and lost. - Phoebe Snow
It is impossible to repent of love. The sin of love does not exist. - Muriel Spark
Sin is too stupid to see beyond itself. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Being seventy is not a sin. - Golda Meir
You make a deal. You figure out how much sin you can live with. - Martin Scorsese
It is not enough to be delivered from sin; it is enough to be delivered to righteousness. - Edwin Louis Cole
There is no sinner like a young saint. - Aphra Behn
And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things. - Terry Pratchett
Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly. - Martin Luther
People to whom sin is just a matter of words, to them salvation is just words too. - William Faulkner
The only sin is mediocrity. - Martha Graham
The only sin is the sin of being born. - Samuel Beckett
Curiosity is gluttony. To see is to devour. - Victor Hugo
In self-defense and in defense of the innocent, cowardice is the only sin. - Dean Koontz
Everything sinful is glamorous these days, isn’t it? - Aimee Agresti
Men are punished by their sins, not for them. - Elbert Hubbard
The sin both of men and of angels, was rendered possible by the fact that God gave us free will. - C.S. Lewis
When you are guilty, it is not your sins you hate but yourself. - Anthony de Mello
Only those who are truly aware of their sin can truly cherish grace. - C.J. Mahaney
The Lord does not forgive excuses, He forgives sin. - Rick Joyner
We who burrow in filth every day may be forgiven perhaps the one sin that ends all sins. - Vladimir Nabokov
The seed of every sin known to man is in my heart. - Robert Murray McCheyne
Sin is looking for the right thing in the wrong place. - St. Augustine of Hippo
That we are capable only of being what we are remains our unforgivable sin. - Gene Wolfe
Everybody sins, Francis. The terrible thing is that we love our sins. We love the thing that makes us evil. - Robert Cormier
The pleasure of sin is soon gone, but the sting remains. - Thomas Watson
We're more concerned about our own "victory" over sin than we are about the fact that our sins grieve God's heart. - Jerry Bridges
Sin makes us moral quadriplegics. - Paul David Tripp
Don't let a cruel word escape your mouth. There's no greater sin than breaking a heart. - Kamand Kojouri
Vanity is my favourite sin. - Al Pacino
He that becomes protector of sin shall surely become its prisoner. - Augustine of Hippo
Few love to hear the sins they love to act. - William Shakespeare
We need a bigger estimation of God and a smaller estimation of sin. - Judah Smith
In forming an estimate of sins, we are often imposed upon by imagining that the more hidden the less heinous they are. - John Calvin
Nothing is a sin when you obey the orders of a priest. - Alfred De Musset
Sin became a luxury, a flower set in her hair, a diamond fastened on her brow. - Émile Zola
Being afraid is the worst sin there is. - Jean-Paul Belmondo
It's a sin only if conscience confirmed it. - Toba Beta
It gives a fella relief to tell, but it just' spreads out his sin. - John Steinbeck
Sin brings with it; its consequences, where we are free from the consequences of sin, a miracle has occurred. - Anikor Daniel
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