In life sometimes it's important to leave things or people and move away with yourself. Walking away means just carry yourself out of a situation where you are neglected and suffering without any reason. Walking Away is the only solution then. This is a collection of 22 Walking Away quotes and sayings.

Learning to walk away is hard but staying to suffer is harder. - Mariel Avila
Learn to walk away from the arms where you don't belong before you end up
suffocating there. - Sai Pradeep
Most of us need something not to walk away from. - Josh Stern
Walk on, yes, but don’t walk away from people who need you. - Rachel Hartman
There are moments when you have to just walk away and cry. - Lou Angeli

When things are starting to crumble maybe it is better to choose walking away
than staying.
Any landing you could walk away from was a good landing. - Ilona Andrews
The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment
to absolutely and utterly walk away. - Alysia Harris
One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say
mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life. - Kahlil Gibran
You don't walk away if you love someone. You help the person. - Hillary

For once you can just go on walking away instead of fighting for it, maybe it
is not worth it.
It is love that walks away and yet we have terrible mouths and soft milk
hands. We worry with like. We walk away like love. - Anne Sexton
Sometimes you have to smile and pretend everything's okay. Hold back the
tears, and just walk away. - Anurag Prakash Ray
I truly loved you, but now I'm walking away. - Jonny Lang
Trust yourself and walk away from situations and people that don't have your
best interest at heart. - Ben Ruston

The moment you feel like you have to prove your worth to someone is the moment
to absolutely and utterly walk away. - Alysia Harris
If you don't walk away, you'll hurt yourself beyond repair. Remember, you're a
precious child of God, deserving to be treated kindly. - Zenobia Davis
Selfhood begins with a walking away, And love is proved in letting go. - Cecil
You don't just walk away from someone when things get tough, you find a way to
stick it out and figure out what's gone wrong. - Shana Norris
Anyone or anything that is negative, you should walk away from. Make room for
all the positives. - Wendy John
Knowing when to walk away, is Wisdom. Being able to, is Courage. Walking away
with Grace, and your held head high,is Dignity. - Ritu Ghatourey
The hardest part about walking away from someone is when you realize that no
matter how slow you go, that someone will never run after you. - Bethany Megan
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