Literacy makes a human from a man. Literacy is the path of humanity and learning the new. Literacy is like a light what brought everything opened to us. This is a collection of 27 Literacy quotes and sayings.

Literacy is a right, not a privilege.
Literacy is a bridge from misery to hope. - Kofi Annan
Literacy is one of the greatest gifts a person could receive. - Jen Selinsky
Once you learn to read, you will be forever free. - Frederick Douglass

Literacy is most basic currency of the knowledge economy. - Barack Obama
Literacy is so much entwined in our lives that we often fail to realize that the act of reading is a miracle that is evolving under our fingertips. - Maryanne Wolf
Obviously, every child should be given the best possible opportunity to acquire literacy skills. - Hugh Mackay
You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test. - George W. Bush

Literacy is the jump-off point from which all of life's successes take flight. - Lauri Fortino
Through literacy you can begin to see the universe. Through music you can reach anybody. Between the two there is you, unstoppable. - Grace Slick
The acquisition of literacy is one of the most important epigenetic achievements of Homo sapiens. To our knowledge, no other species ever acquired it. - Maryanne Wolf
The biggest impact my father had on my life was teaching the importance of literacy. - Thomas Steinbeck
People don't realize how a man's whole life can be changed by one book. - Malcolm X
Comics are a gateway drug to literacy. - Art Spiegelman
Art is literacy of the heart. - Elliot Eisner
Literacy isn't just about reading, writing, and comprehension. It's about culture, professionalism, and social outlook. - Taylor Ellwood
There is no such thing as a leap into literacy. - David Petersen
Illiteracy also means not being able to read or write the words of a language you neither speak nor understand. - Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
Literacy is a fundamental life skill, one that serves as a portal to knowledge and a lifetime of opportunity. - Story Shares
No one is truly literate who cannot read his own heart. - Eric Hoffer
Literacy is the harbinger of both intelligence and taste. - Albert Thomas Bifarelli
No skill is more crucial to the future of a child than literacy. - Los Angeles Times
The value of universal literacy is of course questionable in a society that practices the strictest form of censorship. - Victor Andres Triay
Growing Literacy of the Heart and Mind Cultivates the Landscape of a Child's Future. - Clyde Heath
Literacy unlocks the door to learning throughout life, is essential to development and health, and opens the way for democratic participation and active citizenship. - Kofi Annan
If we talk about literacy, we have to talk about how to enhance our children's mastery over the tools needed to live intelligent, creative, and involved lives. - Danny Glover
Literacy arouses hopes, not only in society as a whole but also in the individual who is striving for fulfillment, happiness and personal benefit by learning how to read and write. - UNESCO Institute for Education
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