Opinion is the unit of us. Our opinions make us. They are like the minimum unites that totally makes us. We all have some of our own opinions. This is a collection of 37 quotes and sayings on Opinion.

The fewer the facts, the stronger the opinion. - Arnold H. Glasow
Knowledge is true opinion. - Plato
An opinion is a poor substitute for understanding. - Bobby Darnell
Opinion is ultimately determined by the feelings, and not by the intellect. - Herbert Spencer

Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance. - Plato
Opinion has caused more trouble on this little earth than plagues or earthquakes. - Voltaire
Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality. - Les Brown
There is no such thing as public opinion. There is only published opinion. - Winston Churchill

Everyone has an opinion. - Paul Walker
The rule is perfect: in all matters of opinion our adversaries are insane. - Mark Twain
Never let oneself be guided by the opinion of one's contemporaries. Continue steadfastly on one's way. - Gustav Mahler
The most difficult secret for a man to keep is his own opinion of himself. - Marcel Pagnol
Loyalty to petrified opinion never yet broke a chain or freed a human soul. - Mark Twain
Errors of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it. - Thomas Jefferson
Self-actualized people are independent of the good opinion of others. - Wayne Dyer
You have to stay true to yourself, and as long as you are comfortable, then no one else's opinion matters. - Dinah Jane
Freedom of opinion can only exist when the government thinks itself secure. - Bertrand Russell
Don't make an opinion on me if you don't know nothin' about me. - Lil Wayne
Focus on your opinion of yourself and not the opinion others have of you. - Winnie Harlow
Be able to defend your arguments in a rational way. Otherwise, all you have is an opinion. - Marilyn vos Savant
There are in fact two things, science and opinion; the former begets knowledge, the latter ignorance. - Hippocrates
If you fuel your journey on the opinions of others, you are going to run out of gas. - Steve Maraboli
Your opinion is not my reality. - Steve Maraboli
Public opinion is the worst of all opinions. - Chamfort
Every man has a right to his own opinion, but no man has a right to be wrong in his facts. - Bernard Baruch
Opinion is usually something which people have when they lack comprehensive information. - Idries Shah
To find out your real opinion of someone, judge the impression you have when you first see a letter from them. - Arthur Schopenhauer
Prejudice is a vagrant opinion without visible means of support. - Ambrose Bierce
Time obliterates the fictions of opinion and confirms the decisions of nature. - Marcus Tullius Cicero
A study of the history of opinion is a necessary preliminary to the emancipation of the mind. - John Maynard Keynes
The worst time to give someone your opinion, is when no one has asked for it. - Cory Stallworth
Raise the bar higher than your opinion. - Gino Norris
The decision is your own voice, an opinion is the echo of someone else's voice. - Amit Kalantri
One day you'll discover that the opinions of worthless people are worthless. - Piers Anthony
There is a point when a personal opinion shades off into an error of fact. - Gene Siskel
Nothing is more like nothing than mere opinion. - Marty Rubin
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