Mercy is makes the society haven. Mercy is the quality of true souls. This is a collection of 37 quotes and sayings on Mercy.

We shall show mercy, but we shall not ask for it. - Winston Churchill
Truth and mercy require the exertion - never the suppression, of man's noble rights and powers. - Gerrit Smith
Cowards are cruel, but the brave love mercy and delight to save. - John Gay
Nothing can make injustice just but mercy. - Robert Frost

Sweet mercy is nobility's true badge. - William Shakespeare
A little bit of mercy makes the world less cold and more just. - Pope Francis
Think carefully before asking for justice. Mercy might be safer. - Mason Cooley
Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy. - Jesus Christ

The essence of justice is mercy. - Edwin Hubbel Chapin
There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny. - Frederick William Robertson
Grace, like an angel of mercy, makes his voice heard sweet and clear, repeating the story of the cross, the matchless love of Jesus. - Ellen G. White
The greatest firmness is the greatest mercy. - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Mercy should make us ashamed, wrath afraid to sin. - William Gurnall
Mercy doesn’t require that you do it well. You just show it, and it’s done. - Dan Lord
Consequently, most of us really exist at the mercy of other people's formulations of what's important. - June Jordan
Where mercy is shown, mercy is given. - Duane "Dog" Chapman
Mercy is the stuff you give to people that don't deserve it. - Joyce Meyer
Mercy, detached from Justice, grows unmerciful. - C.S. Lewis
Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill. - William Shakespeare
Mercy and forgiveness must be free and unmerited to the wrongdoer. If the wrongdoer has to do something to merit it, then it isn't mercy. - Timothy Keller
Justice is for those who deserve it, mercy is for those who don't. - Woodrow Kroll
It is mercy, not justice or courage or even heroism, that alone can defeat evil. - Peter Kreeft
Mercy, that is the gospel. The whole of it in one word. - E. H. Chapin
Mercy allows you to continue on in sin, grace empowers you to overcome it. - Jacquelyn K. Heasley
Nothing emboldens sin so much as mercy. - William Shakespeare
Spare me through your mercy, do not punish me through your justice. - Anselm of Canterbury
Love, Mercy, and Grace, sisters all, attend your wounds of silence and hope. - Aberjhani
Whoever feels mercy for the cruel is bound to eventually be cruel to the merciful. - Moshe Kahlon
Mercy often inflicts death. - Seneca
The time's gone by for sentiment and all that foolery. Mercy's all very well but after all it's justice that clinches the bargain. - Walter de la Mare
Never beg for mercy. Accept that you have failed. Begging is for dogs and humans. - Paolo Bacigalupi
This institution of higher education had no such concept as mercy. - Marina Dyachenko
The crown of love is mercy. - Sir Kristian Goldmund Aumann
Our sole hope, our sole confidence, our only assured promise, is your mercy. - Augustine of Hippo
The true lover yearneth for tribulation even as doth the rebel for forgiveness and the sinful for mercy. - Bahá'u'lláh
Those who require mercy shouldn’t desire the judgment of others. - Justin Swapp
Mercy is far better than justice, even if it is your right to ask for it. - E.A. Bucchianeri
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