Consolation is some words or gestures towards others when they are in sorrow in pain. Consolation can heal the wounds of minds more than any medicine. This is a collection of 32 Consolation quotes and sayings.

The great consolation in life is to say what one thinks. - Voltaire
That is the consolation of a little mind; you have the fun of changing it without impeding the progress of mankind. - Frank Moore Colby
Every man, either to his terror or consolation, has some sense of religion. - Heinrich Heine
Love is not consolation. It is light. - Friedrich Nietzsche

It is from books that wise people derive consolation in the troubles of life. - Victor Hugo
What most of all hinders heavenly consolation is that you are too slow in turning yourself to prayer. - Thomas a Kempis
Livability has always struck me as a consolation prize. - Jonathan Raymond
A love of nature is a consolation against failure. - Berthe Morisot

Premature consolation is but the remembrancer of sorrow. - Oliver Goldsmith
CONSOLATION, n. The knowledge that a better man is more unfortunate than yourself. - Ambrose Bierce
To understand one's self is the classic form of consolation; to delude one's self is the romantic. - George Santayana
Your failure is a great teacher for you and it can also be a great teacher for others! Thus, when you fail, the experiences you gained and your invaluable indirect help to others must be your greatest consolation! - Mehmet Murat ildan
Sorrow can be alleviated by good sleep, a bath and a glass of wine. - Thomas Aquinas
In our sad condition our only consolation is the expectancy of another life. Here below all is incomprehensible. - Martin Luther
Consolation Calm down. Both your sins and your good deeds will be lost in oblivion. - Czeslaw Milosz
We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey. - Kenji Miyazawa
A sympathetic friend can be quite as dear as a brother. - Homer
Never allow your own sorrow to absorb you, but seek out another to console, and you will find consolation. - J. C. Macaulay
It seems to be the fate of man to seek all his consolations in futurity. - William Samuel Johnson
Premature consolation is but the remembrancer of sorrow.
There is one consolation in being sick; and that is the possibility that you may recover to a better state than you were ever in before. - Henry David Thoreau
Every man, either to his terror or consolation, has some sense of religion. - James Harrington
What most of all hinders heavenly consolation is that you are too slow in turning yourself to prayer. - Thomas a Kempis
It is a consolation to the wretched to have companions in misery. - Publilius Syrus
The universe doesn't owe us condolence or consolation; it doesn't owe us a nice warm feeling inside. - Richard Dawkins
The defects of great men are the consolation of the dunces. - Isaac D'Israeli
Give to a wounded heart seclusion; consolation nor reason ever affected anything in such a case. - Honore de Balzac
A sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier times. - Alfred Lord Tennyson
If you are good at in the art of finding consolation, it means that you have the best medicine after the disasters. - Mehmet Murat Ildan
There is no greater consolation for mediocrity than that the genius is not immortal. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Livability has always struck me as a consolation prize. - Jonathan Raymond
Thanks to my work everything's going well; it's a great consolation. - Claude Monet
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