Modern is everything new.
New art, new fashion, new literature everything new is considered
modern. This is a collection of quotes on modern and sayings on modern.

It is only the modern that ever becomes old-fashioned. - Oscar Wilde
To be left alone is the most precious thing one can ask of the modern world. -
Anthony Burgess
To expect the unexpected shows a thoroughly modern intellect. - Oscar Wilde
You are born modern, you do not become so. - Jean Baudrillard
Modern paintings are like women, you'll never enjoy them if you try to
understand them. - Freddie Mercury
Modern life is so thin and shallow and fake. - Hayao Miyazaki
More than half of modern culture depends on what one shouldn't read. - Oscar
The point of modernity is to live a life without illusions while not becoming
disillusioned. - Antonio Gramsci
Modern man thinks he loses something—time—when he does not do things quickly.
- Erich Fromm
Modern society has perfected the art of making people not feel necessary. It's
time for that to end. - Sebastian Junger
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