Life is about making new beginnings. New beginnings s create new opportunities. This is a collection of 26 quotes on new beginnings and new beginnings sayings.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. - Lao Tzu
Every day is a new beginning. Treat it that way. Stay away from what might
have been, and look at what can be. - Marsha Petrie Sue
Begin today. Declare out loud to the universe that you are willing to let go
of struggle and eager to learn through joy. - Sarah Ban Breathnach
Every day is a fresh beginning, Every morn is the world made new. - Sarah
Chauncey Woolsey
Genuine beginnings begin within us, even when they are brought to our
attention by external opportunities. - William Throsby Bridges
Be willing to be a beginner every single morning. - Meister Eckhart
Every beginning has an ending. Don’t let the goodbye scare you from starting.
what could be the best story of your life. - Dawn Lanuza
The secret to living the life of your dreams is to start living the life of
your dreams today, in every little way you possibly can. - Mike Dooley
All great beginnings start in the dark, when the moon greets you to a new day
at midnight. - Shannon L. Alder
The beginning is always today. - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end. - Seneca
The best endings are the ones that lead to new beginnings. - Mathangi
Humble new beginnings do exist, but to begin, you must be humble. Nothing ever
stays the same. - Melody Carstairs
When we share, we open doors to a new beginning. - Paul Bradley Smith
Much as we may wish to make a new beginning, some part of us resists doing so
as though we were making the first step toward disaster. - William Throsby
Let's forget the baggages of the past and make a new beginning. - Shahbaz
Morning will come, it has no choice. - Marty Rubin
Destinations are end points. Journeys are learnings, paths of possibilities,
blossoming... fresh beginnings. - Rasheed Ogunlaru
The expert in anything was once a beginner. - Helen Hayes
Sometimes painful endings bring the best new beginnings. - Shae Ross
In the end, every startup is different. But in the beginning every startup is
the same. - Richie Norton
From the end spring new beginnings. - Pliny the Elder
New month, new intentions, new goals, new love, new light, and new beginnings.
- April Mae Monterrosa
Every morning a new sun greets us and our new life begins. - Marty Rubin
Forgiveness says you are given another chance to make a new beginning. -
Desmond Tutu
The magic in new beginnings is truly the most powerful of them all. - Josiyah
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