The pool is amazing. Both swimming pool and pool game is amazing to have a great time. This is a collection of 16 quotes on pool n pool Sayings.

A pool just isn't the same as the ocean. It has no energy. No life. - Linda
This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see
how deep it is. - Dennis Rodman
The problem with the gene pool is that there's no lifeguard. - David Gerrold
Businesses want to be in places where there is a deep talent pool. - Gina
Number one house rule of pool: don't lose in your own house. - Mark Zupan
It makes you feel like the pool is yours when you have your family there. You
walk up to them and see them crying... and you know they are proud of you. -
Sophie Pascoe
Success is not two cars or a swimming pool. It's the approval of your peers. -
Peter Finch
Obviously, the competitor in you, you want to be in the top three every time
in the pool. - Amanda Beard
Hollywood is loneliness beside the swimming pool. - Liv Ullmann
Happiness consists in activity. It is running steam, not a stagnant pool. -
John Mason Good
A pool just isn't the same as the ocean. It has no energy. No life. - Linda
The pool was steaming in the cold night air, and an electric light glowed
under the water. - Daniel O'Malley
When learning to swim, an hour in the pool is more useful than a year
poolside. - Richie Norton
Summer is a great time to visit art museums, which offer the refreshing rinse
of swimming pools - only instead of cool water, you immerse yourself in art. -
Jerry Saltz
The church is like a swimming pool. Most of the noise comes from the shallow
end. - John Shelby Spong
This life is like a swimming pool. You dive into the water, but you can't see
how deep it is. - Dennis Rodman
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