All Quotes, Short People

Top 10 Short People Quotes

Short People are cute and funny. But many studies says short people is more intelligent than average. This is a collection of quotes and sayings on short people.

We short people have a great perspective on life; we are always looking up.
Short men are happy, for they can pass easily through the door. Tall men are happy, for they can stand erect and pluck oranges with their hands. - Michael Bassey Johnson
You can measure height. But you can't measure heart. - Howie Dickenman
Short people got no reason to live. - Randy Newman
I'm not short. I'm fun-sized!
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. - George Bernard Shaw
Life is short. People are not easy to know. They're not easy to know, so if you don't tell them how you feel, you're not going to get anywhere, I feel. - Nina Simone
Short people have long faces, and long people have short faces. Big people have little humor, and little people have no humor at all. - Donald O'Connor
Short people DO NOT like to be picked up. - Amy Poehler
Okay; get out of here. Scram. Farewell . . . Go be short somewhere else. - Maggie Stiefvater

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