Hiring is one of the most important parts of a business. good hiring helps the
business grow while bad hiring can be fatal for any business. This is a
collection of 21 hiring quotes and sayings.

The key for us, number one, has always been hiring very smart people. - Bill
If you pay peanuts, you get monkeys. - Chinese Proverb
Hiring should always be part of your long-term strategy, not a quick fix to an
immediate problem. - Steven J. Bowen
If you make a hiring mistake, make the change quickly. Don't ignore problems.
Don't assume it will get better. - Ziad K. Abdelnour
In the early days, start-ups make the main mistake of hiring people to do the
work that they could do themselves. - Jon Oringer
Hiring people is like making friends. Pick good ones, and they'll enrich your
life. Make bad choices, and they'll bring you down. - Jason Fried
Hiring the wrong people is the fastest way to undermine a sustainable
business. - Kevin J. Donaldson
When hiring key employees, there are only two qualities to look for: judgement
and taste. Almost everything else can be bought by the yard. - John W. Gardner
Recruiting should never be outsourced. Everyone at your company should be
different in the same way. - Peter Thiel
Time spent on hiring is time well spent. - Robert Half
Hiring people is an art, not a science, and resumes can't tell you whether
someone will fit into a company's culture. - Howard Schulz
The traditional markers people use for hiring can be wrong - profoundly wrong.
- Vivienne Ming
We focus on two things when hiring. First, find the best people you can in the
world. And second, let them do their work. Just get out of their way. - Matt
If you're not hiring from some groups of the population, then you're obviously
missing out. - Stewart Butterfield
When there are hiring decisions and promotion decisions to be made, people are
hungry for data. - Oren Etzioni
Hiring new people, opening up in new markets, all of that takes money. -
Taavet Hinrikus
If you are other, you don't think twice about hiring people who are other. -
Courtney A. Kemp
If you think hiring professionals is expensive, try hiring amateurs. -
Hiring people with fresh ideas is the key to a company's future success. -
Eraldo Banovac
We Are hiring A Talent Not They People Who Have Great Qualification. - Axay D.
When hiring, trust your feelings. - Peter Diamandis
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