All Quotes, Memoriam

Top 7 Memoriam Quotes

Memoriam is a Latin phrase meaning memory. Memoriam is always important. This is a collection of quotes on Memoriam and Memoriam sayings.

The best memorial for a mighty man is to gain honor ere death. - Decimus Magnus Ausonius
Our memories are independent of our wills. It is not so easy to forget. - Richard B. Sheridan
Memories are like a box full of chocolates, you can't have them all at once. - Sarvani Rajdeep
One lives in the hope of becoming a memory. - Antonio Porchia
Memorials become relics if they do not stir our modern conscience. - Henry Waxman
The only real treasure is in your head. Memories are better than diamonds and nobody can steal them from you. - Rodman Philbrick
Because one dead leaves every material back, even the body, but what is taken is the soul with memories. - Riku H. Petro
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