Infertility is a challenge for every human being. Infertility is a long hard way
to make. Don't ever lose hope. Infertility is not a choice you made but to
accept infertility is a choice you can make. This is a collection of top 9
motivational quotes on infertility and infertility sayings.

Infertility doesn’t need to be an all or nothing conversation. - Dania Sanders
Infertility is this huge emotional roller coaster. If you want in your heart
more than anything to have a baby, it's the hardest thing you will ever go
through physically, emotionally, and financially. - Cindy Margolis
Oh, what a power is motherhood, possessing A potent spell. All women alike
Fight fiercely for a child. - Euripides
We had been through so much, infertility and chemicals and treatments . . .
and that was very emotional for my wife. - Jeff Atkinson
Research shows that a woman who has a history of depression is twice as likely
to subsequently experience infertility as a woman with no history of
depression. - Alice Domar
Fertility may have challenged us, but we are stronger for it.
Infertility is a loss. It's the loss of a dream. It's the loss of an assumed
future. And, like every loss, it will be grieved. - Urban Saying
There are plenty of difficult obstacles in your path, Don’t allow yourself to
become one of them. - Ralph Marston
Remember ladies, first and foremost, you are not alone on this bumpy road.
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