Gemini is the third astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Gemini. Gemini traits are more varied than those of other astrological signs. Geminis are born between May 22 and June 22 and belong to the Air element of the zodiac (along with Libra and Aquarius). This is a collection of quotes and sayings on Gemini.

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The Gemini essence is extremely contagious. - Linda Goodman
I’m a Gemini, so I change my mind every day. - Natalie Portman
Gemini is the sign of the twins, and often it manifests as two faces of the same person which never have an opportunity to meet. - Lynn Hayes
Like a typical Gemini I’m changeable, I can be two different types of people. I can be very outgoing, but sometimes very shy. - Denise Van Outen
I am a Gemini and can adapt to most atmospheres. You get two for the price of one when you are a Gemini. - Karan Johar
Gemini is ruled by the trickster Mercury, the planet of lightning speed, who forces this man, woman or child to try on a thousand faces, then discard them, in a restive search for personal identity. - Linda Goodman
Michael Jackson was a Gemini. Kanye, Lauryn Hill, a lot of people that are amazing artists are Geminis. - Jorja Smith
Geminis tend to be shy but if you make the first move, Geminis are sure to finish it with fireworks. - Zodiac City
Gemini can charm a bird right out of its tree and give it five new songs to sing. - Linda Goodman
Each Gemini contains a twin mirror image of himself (or herself), in reverse, the positive and negative poles of his or her personality. - Linda Goodman
Gemini….You revere scientists and shamans alike, providing them with what they need to do their good work for the enhancement of the realm. - Lesley Thomas
I’m a Gemini, very spontaneous. - Lily-Rose Depp
Gemini Sayings: Gemini’s are masters at procrastination, persuasion, mind games, sarcasm and mixed signals.
You cannot change the made-up mind of a Gemini.
Geminis won’t ask twice, they will ask someone else.
Depriving a Gemini of conversation or of books and magazines is cruel and unusual punishment.
Gemini is a lover and a fighter… rolled into one.
Gemini like to deal with their problems by themselves, they hate the idea of bringing other people down or being dependable on anyone else.
When a Gemini is focused, nothing can stand in their way. It will be their two minds against your one and odds are not in your favor.
Gemini possess a natural , youthful and vibrant energy. They are wry and energetic, with hands and feet that are never still.
A Gemini’s eyes never lie, even when their lips do. If you wanna know if they’re in love with you, speak to their eyes!
Geminis have a habit of annoying people just for the fun of it.
Gemini’s are always ready and willing to risk it all for the person they love.
When a gemini is finally tired of trying, they will just leave, no fight, no argument and sometimes not even a goodbye.
Gemini are known flirts but once they are attached to someone they become blind to the rest of the world.
Gemini girls can’t stand clingy boys.
When you are with a Gemini, be ready to do things you may have thought to be weird, extravagant or even reckless.
Geminis have a soft heart and are quick to forgive.
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