Claude Cahun was a French surrealist photographer, sculptor, and writer. Cahun's work is both political and personal. In Disavowals, she writes: "Masculine? Feminine? It depends on the situation. Neuter is the only gender that always suits me." Cahun's works encompassed writing, photography, and theatre. She is most remembered for her highly staged self-portraits and tableaux that incorporated the visual aesthetics of Surrealism.
It is thought that Cahun took her first self-portrait about 1913, launching a lifelong obsession with examining gender, using herself as the subject. Cahun actively and outwardly rejected social constructions of gender and sexual identity. During World War II she was active as a resistance worker and propagandist. Cahun made work for herself and did not want to be famous. Playing a Part, Magic Mirror, Confessions to the Mirror are three filmographies created based on her life and work. 'Confidences au miroir' is her incomplete memoar.
Claude Cahun remains influential in the field of surrealistic art, gender-fluidity in art, and her anti-Nazi resistance. Cahun seizes a space typically reserved for the male poetic genius while, at the same time, resisting the construction of feminine desire around self-sacrifice and care for the Other. This is a collection of Claude Cahun's quotes on art, surrealism, and mask.